
Kick-start your new healthy eating regime by emptying your fridge of all the bad foods and be more prepared in the kitchen

Step  1 - "Out of sight, out of mind"

Get rid of the rubbish that fills up your cupboards and fridge.  If low quality foods such as snacks, sauces, dressings, and high processed foods are filling your cupboards then your more likely to snack on them.  The first step is to get rid of them and remove all temptation.

Step 2 – Read the labels

It is very important to know what you are eating, so get into the habit of reading the labels on food packaging.  This will allow you to gather information about the nutritional content in the foods you eat. 

-          Stay away from sugary foods (Sugar is labelled as carbohydrates, less than 5g/100g is ok).

-          Stay away from fatty foods (Less than 3g/100g is ok).

-          Stay away from saturated fats, trans fats, artificial flavours, and colourings.

-          Stay away from processed foods (Usually a huge list of ingredients on the label is a big giveaway).

Step 3 – Be Prepared

Plan your meals the night before.  This will encourage a good selection of healthy food choices, ensuring you have a well-stocked fridge of fruit and vegetables.  Make sure you take enough food to work to last the day and stop you from impulse buying at the vending machine.

Healthy food choices

- Fruit and Vegetables

- Lean Meats and Fish

- Wholegrains (Bread, Pasta, Rice)

- Whole Oats

- Eggs

- Olive Oils, Fish Oils

- Nuts and Seeds

- Dairy Produce



1/25/2012 04:12:08 am

Appreciate your data

1/25/2012 12:41:28 pm

Nice one info, thanks

3/22/2012 06:49:10 am

Thank you for info

3/24/2012 02:23:22 am

THX for info

5/30/2012 09:16:27 pm

Nice one info, thx

9/2/2012 01:14:12 am

is soon


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