Why do we need to have a good digestive system?

Having good digestion is essential for the body to absorb vital nutrients from the foods that we eat.  Poor digestion can lead to several problems, some of which can be seen below.

Acid Reflux / Indigestion                   
An uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the stomach or a burning pain.

Gall Stones                                       
The formation of gall stones may block our bile ducts which will prevent bile from passing through to break down fats in the small intestine.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome                   
Is the fluctuating bowel motion that may cause abdominal bloating and an uncomfortable full feeling.

An insufficient supply of fibre and water from your diet may slow down your bowel motions, making it harder to pass faecal matter.

What you can do to improve your digestion.

1)      Exercise to keep regular bowel motions

2)      Sit down and rest while you eat.  If you rush while eating you may upset your stomach.  So give your body
         time to digest its food.

3)      Drink plenty of water to hydrate and keep your digestive system working well.

4)      Drink Peppermint tea to reduce uncomfortable abdominal bloating.

5)      Drink hot water and lemon with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to stimulate stomach acidity.

6)      Reduce stimulants that allow acids to leave the stomach (Caffeine, alcohol)

7)      Stimulate your digestive system with foods like pineapple, papaya, and rocket leaves.

8)      Eat fibrous foods to maintain regular bowel motions (Fruit with skin, linseed or flaxseed, and raw vegetables).

9)      Reduce you intake of saturated fats, caffeine, and alcohol.  This enables your liver to produce the bile needed to break down fats.

1/25/2012 10:52:13 am

Great info, thx

1/26/2012 11:37:17 pm

THX for info

3/21/2012 05:41:03 am

Great info, thanks

3/27/2012 12:07:43 pm

THX for info

4/19/2012 12:39:01 am

Thanks for data

4/23/2012 10:31:03 pm

Appreciate your info


nice post

7/16/2012 03:35:58 pm

Good article bro

9/19/2012 09:48:22 pm

Nice site


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