Rectus Abdominis

This is the group of abdominal muscles known as the six-pack.  It consists of your upper and lower abs and is responsible for carrying out any crunching movement patterns (Bringing your ribcage closer to your pelvis).

Transverse Abdominis

This muscle lies beneath the Rectus Abdominis, and is the major muscle used when engaging or tightening your abs.  Its muscle fibres run horizontally unlike the rectus abdominis that run vertically.  The main function of the transverse abdominis is to initiate abdominal compression during intense exhalation, which is extremely important when carrying out any core exercises


Also known as you’re ‘Love handles’ situated above your hips.  We all have a set of internal and external obliques which are responsible for trunk rotation and lateral flexion of the torso.  The external obliques are superficial whereas the internal obliques are hidden deep underneath.  The obliques are quite often missed from an abdominal routine, however they should definitely be included to improve your overall core stability.

1/25/2012 07:15:09 am

Thank you for info

1/25/2012 01:50:20 pm

Fine post dude

3/22/2012 12:41:57 am

Good info dude

3/27/2012 08:17:04 am

Thanks for info

5/30/2012 09:09:12 pm

Thank you for data

9/25/2012 04:05:16 am

Good post bro


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