Ok to put this straight, you already know what a crash diet is. Drastically reducing your body’s intake of the nutrients it needs resulting in it eating away at fat stores. Well I can tell you now that your body will begin to eat away at your muscle, not necessarily fat. So expect to feel weak and look like you’re in even worse shape than before!

I won’t explain too much about the dangers of crash diets but I will ask you one question - did you loose weight if you tried one in the past? If the answers yes then it may be surprising to know that this is not true weightless. In fact what you were loosing was water. Now when we talk about de-hydration: A loss of only 3% of your body’s water content causes a 10% drop in strength and an 8% loss of speed. With this in mind you should already be thinking, why the hell am I even giving this crash diet a go!

Crash diets create the 'Yo-Yo' effect in our bodies. Basically, when you don’t get enough calories that your body needs to maintain itself then it goes into starvation mode. Now imagine you’ve had your summer holiday and your crash diet goes out the window. This triggers your body to store as much fat as possible as it thinks that there is going to be another starvation period - i.e. 'crash diet'. You will soon put all the weight back on that you lost. Plus some extra weight. This whole process is a downhill spiral that no-one wants to be in.  

That’s all ill say with regards to crash diets but check back soon for the best alternative. The one that won’t pile back on after this summers holiday!


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