Here are a few tips that will help you get in shape after the festive period...

Eat the right things: We all like to indulge over the festive period but now it’s time to cut back and plan a healthy diet.

Encourage friends to join you: Having a mate spurring you on can really give you that extra motivation to get out there.

Workout all of your body: Make sure that you devise an exercise plan that will help keep you fit and healthy all over.

Set targets: If you can see that progress is being made you will feel the benefits that little bit more.

Drink plenty of water: The recommended daily intake is eight pints and it’s vitally important to keep your body hydrated while exercising

Don’t over do it: Start off slow and don’t build up the length and frequency of your workouts until you feel comfortable to do so.

Find something you like doing: You’re much more likely to keep at something if you enjoy it while feeling the health benefits.

Warm up and cool down: It’s important to stretch your body before and after exercise to prevent the risk of injury.

Wear the right equipment: A good pair of trainers and a comfortable outfit are essential to help make working out more enjoyable and beneficial.

Try something new: Don’t be afraid to go along to a new class or do something completely different. You might find something you really enjoy.


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