
You are what you eat!  The key to success!

As harsh as it sounds, we are the result of what we eat and what we do.  Over time, the general population have followed a pattern of eating more and doing less.  The end result is a rapid growth in overweight, unhealthy people struggling to change their habits.

      Did you know…

                               63% of British men


                              53% of British Women

                                   Are now classed as overweight or obese

In order to overcome this ever growing problem, and more importantly, prevent this occurring with our younger generation, we need to educate the importance of healthy living and keeping an active lifestyle.  A mixture of a healthy diet and plenty of exercise is the key to a successful outcome. 

Energy consumed through diet + Energy burned through exercise = A change in % body fat

If we consume more energy (calories) than we work off through exercise, then this surplus of calories will be stored as fat.  The body is very good at doing this, and is what many people find hard to overcome.  If we can all eat healthier and do a little more exercise, then we can help lower the government figures for our overweight / obese population.  The government uses a statistical measure to determine whether a person is classed overweight or obese, this is called BMI (Body Mass Index).  It is a measure of a person’s weight in relation to their height.  To work out your own BMI, please use the equation below.

          Body Mass Index =                  Your body weight (Kg)
                                            Your height Multiplied by Your height (M)

BMI Classifications

Underweight               =          Below 18.5
Normal                       =          18.5  to  24.0
Overweight                 =          25.0  to  29.9
Obesity Class I           =          30.0  to  34.9
Obesity Class II          =          35.0  to  39.9
Obesity Class III         =          Above 40.0


A healthy diet doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself and dramatically cut back on the calories you take in each day (Unless you consume in excess of your daily requirements).  Starving your body of calories, means you are also starving your body of the vital nutrients it needs to perform its everyday functions.  Starving your body with a low calorie diet may be a quick fix to your weight problem, but you will soon put weight back on once the diet wears off.  This is called the Yo-Yo effect, and is a very common occurrence which does not resolve the problem long term.

“A healthy diet is a diet for life, and not just for a few weeks”

The main problem with the majority of people’s diets today is that we consume far too much of the bad stuff, and not enough of the good stuff.  The average UK diet consists of approximately 40% Fat each day, this is too high and we need to limit our fat intake to at least 25 – 30%.  The lower this figure is, the less chance we are giving our bodies to store Fat, which like I said earlier, the body is very keen to do.  Other components of a healthy diet are things such as proteins, carbohydrates, Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.


When we exercise we burn off calories to fuel the muscles in order to perform each action / movement.  This is great for people wanting to get into shape and improve their physique.  Through exercise we are able to burn off fat stores, whilst building muscle mass, resulting in getting the body you have always desired.  Reducing your body fat and increasing muscle mass improves your body’s ability to metabolize your fat stores, which is ideally what we want to achieve.  Keeping an active lifestyle is a good start to changing how you look.  Walk places rather than taking the car, join fitness classes, start a home workout programme.  There are many ways you could keep active, and they are just a few of them.  However, it does take a lot of hard work and commitment to be able to carry this through and achieve the results you want.  If you are serious about getting into shape then you’re already past the first step.  Keep your goals at the forefront of everything you do, and when times are hard, push that little bit more and you WILL see success. 

I hope you find this information useful, please leave any comments or questions you may have.



Sprint Personal Training

If your looking to either loose weight or even put weight on, knowing your daily calorie requirements will be very helpful in achieving your goal.  Your daily calorie requirements can be calculated by finding out your Basal Metabolic Rate.  This is the amount of energy your body requires in order to carry out its everyday functions at rest such as breathing, digestion, your heart pumping blood around the body, etc.

Its very simple to understand that the more calories you take in through eating, the more exercise you would need to do to work them off to loose weight.  So knowing how much calories your body needs each day, means you can then see how many calories you would have to work off.

The more active you are, the greater the demand for calories.

To loose weight you should reduce your total daily requirements in stages over a period of time (by approximately 200 calories)  If you were to consume more calories than your daily requirement and didn't work them off, they will inevitably store as fat, which is not what we want.

So, if you would like to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) then please follow this link and get on your way to achieving your goal.

BMR Calculator


Sprint Personal Training

Here are a few tips that will help you get in shape after the festive period...

Eat the right things: We all like to indulge over the festive period but now it’s time to cut back and plan a healthy diet.

Encourage friends to join you: Having a mate spurring you on can really give you that extra motivation to get out there.

Workout all of your body: Make sure that you devise an exercise plan that will help keep you fit and healthy all over.

Set targets: If you can see that progress is being made you will feel the benefits that little bit more.

Drink plenty of water: The recommended daily intake is eight pints and it’s vitally important to keep your body hydrated while exercising

Don’t over do it: Start off slow and don’t build up the length and frequency of your workouts until you feel comfortable to do so.

Find something you like doing: You’re much more likely to keep at something if you enjoy it while feeling the health benefits.

Warm up and cool down: It’s important to stretch your body before and after exercise to prevent the risk of injury.

Wear the right equipment: A good pair of trainers and a comfortable outfit are essential to help make working out more enjoyable and beneficial.

Try something new: Don’t be afraid to go along to a new class or do something completely different. You might find something you really enjoy.


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Ok to put this straight, you already know what a crash diet is. Drastically reducing your body’s intake of the nutrients it needs resulting in it eating away at fat stores. Well I can tell you now that your body will begin to eat away at your muscle, not necessarily fat. So expect to feel weak and look like you’re in even worse shape than before!

I won’t explain too much about the dangers of crash diets but I will ask you one question - did you loose weight if you tried one in the past? If the answers yes then it may be surprising to know that this is not true weightless. In fact what you were loosing was water. Now when we talk about de-hydration: A loss of only 3% of your body’s water content causes a 10% drop in strength and an 8% loss of speed. With this in mind you should already be thinking, why the hell am I even giving this crash diet a go!

Crash diets create the 'Yo-Yo' effect in our bodies. Basically, when you don’t get enough calories that your body needs to maintain itself then it goes into starvation mode. Now imagine you’ve had your summer holiday and your crash diet goes out the window. This triggers your body to store as much fat as possible as it thinks that there is going to be another starvation period - i.e. 'crash diet'. You will soon put all the weight back on that you lost. Plus some extra weight. This whole process is a downhill spiral that no-one wants to be in.  

That’s all ill say with regards to crash diets but check back soon for the best alternative. The one that won’t pile back on after this summers holiday!


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